Tuesday, May 2, 2017

There's A Reason It's Called The GRAND Canyon

April 2016

When I called the Canyon Motel and RV Park in Williams, AZ to make a reservation the woman asked in an excited voice, “Have you ever been to the canyon before?”
She seemed positively disappointed when I said, “Oh, yeah. A bunch of times.” But brightened up right away when I added, “And we’ll go there a bunch more, it’s one of my favorite places!”


The RV Park had a bunch of these cute tree stump carvings all over!


If you’ve never been to the Grand Canyon you really need to put it on your bucket list! It’s considered one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the world.

One quick story then PICTURES!

We were walking the Rim Trail along the South Rim of the canyon. I had Jenny, Larry had Jackson. I’m a bit more cautious while walking the trail, which is a good thing because Jenny took one quick peak over the edge and wanted nothing more to do with that vantage point. Larry on the other hand likes to get as close as he can without being completely stupid about it and Jackson is more than happy to trot along beside him. He had a water bottle in one hand and a walking stick in the other. Jackson’s leash was clipped to his belt loop. He got a little too close for my comfort and I said, “You really don’t need to get that close to the edge.” He turned around, grinned and said, “What’s the matter? Afraid I’ll go over? You really do love me don’t you?” I answered, “Yeah, that and you have my puppy attached to you. If you go over he goes over and I don’t want him going over!” That’s when I heard a young couple, I didn’t know was behind me, start to laugh.

I love the cloud formations above the canyon!

Can you tell she's clutching me
trying to get us both back?
Jackson on the other hand is loving it!

Jackson always looks like he's in awe of such beauty!

This is where I objected to his closeness!
I couldn't drag Jenny out there if I'd wanted to!

Oh yeah, there's lots of elk there too!

 The El Tovar! My friend Annie used to work there.

More elk!

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About Me

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Larry and I decided to retire and hit the road. We bought a new 5th Wheel and new truck to pull it. We packed up the dogs and we're heading out to check off that bucket list. We wake up every morning and "Thank Our Lucky Stars" that we get to do this.