Saturday, May 13, 2017

I Love Our Sun Roof!

June 2016

Capitol Reef National Park in Utah was one of the places I was sooooo excited to have a sunroof! We’ve been there before but we’d never taken the off road trails. I was just awestruck by this place. There are lots of places in Utah that have been preserved for posterity but Zion, Bryce, Arches, Capitol Reef and Canyonlands are considered the big 5 parks of Utah! If you’ve been to Zion, the most visited, and think you’ve seen it all you are sadly mistaken! One of the amazing things about THE BIG FIVE is that they are all amazingly different! And if you do go to Capitol Reef try to take some of the off road trails. We were in our 4 wheel drive truck but we saw people in regular cars too. Just do it! You won’t regret it! (especially if you have a sun roof)

These 2 pictures were the view from the RV Park we stayed at. 


The above 2 pictures are from one of those view pull outs. We both walked out to see the view and stepped over a crack in the ground that I couldn't see the bottom of. I took some pictures. Larry walked back to the car. I took a few more pictures then headed back to the car as well. I got to that crack and the weirdest thing happened. I completely panicked! I couldn't step back over the crack! It was about 12 inches across and the other side was about 6 inches down. I just couldn't do it. I couldn't have squeezed through the crack to save my life but I just couldn't step across it! I called to Larry to come help me. He was pretty far ahead of me and yelled back, "Just step over it!" I started to again but couldn't! I yelled to him again. He started laughing! "Are you kidding?" he yelled back, "It's a foot across! Just step over it." I kept telling myself that it shouldn't be a problem I stepped over it once
But I just couldn't bring myself to do it! I started hyperventilating! "Just come here and help me!" I demanded! He did. He laughed. He reminds me of that time I couldn't step over the 12 inch crack in the ground all the time!

 This is my: Not All Who Wander Are Lost photo!

That sunroof was sure fun to have here!

Loved the stripes on this one!

 This wall with the holes in it reminded me of my daughter, Kerrie!
She has trypophobia! (it's a real thing, look it up)

View from our sunroof!

Deer in the picnic area!

You CANNOT tell me you don't see space aliens here!

Pretty sure this was Capitol Dome!

There was a little shop there where you could buy all sorts of homemade goodies!
I bought these pickled green beans! They were almost... almost as good
as the ones my friend Maxye used to make!

So, I was walking the dogs at the RV Park
trying to get them to hurry up and do their business, I look up and see this!

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About Me

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Larry and I decided to retire and hit the road. We bought a new 5th Wheel and new truck to pull it. We packed up the dogs and we're heading out to check off that bucket list. We wake up every morning and "Thank Our Lucky Stars" that we get to do this.