Thursday, July 6, 2017

Limping through Paradise!

May 2017

Our next stop on the Oregon Coast was Paradise Cove Resort in Rockaway Beach, another Coast to Coast Park. The reviews said it was always crowded but it was Mid-May! Always crowded meant summer months! It was beautiful! There was 1 other RV there when we pulled in! We choose a spot up on the hill with a fantastic view of the coast below! We frequently have problems with large dogs running free but with no other dogs around I could take the puppies for walks without worrying about them becoming someone’s lunch! It was heavenly… you might say paradise!
Even the little rest stop on the way there was beautiful!

This was just the rest stop on the way to Paradise Cove!

So beautiful!

 This was our view from the top of the RV Park!

 Even the clouds were beautiful!
 Everything was so lush and green!

 I love having a view like this!

 Oregon is just a beautiful state! It rained almost every day while we were at Paradise Cove but it was a gentle wash-everything-clean kind of rain! Then it stopped long enough to take nice refreshing walks. I loved it! Plus we met Lonnie and Velette! We love meeting new friends! I could've sworn we took pictures but I can't find them!

Of course what’s life without a little unintended adventure? I took the dogs out to do their thing Friday morning and they were jumping and having a blast in the tall grass when I realized Jackson was limping. He hadn’t yelped or anything so I thought he got a little sticker in his paw. I lifted it up and didn’t see anything. He didn’t seem to be stressed so we kept going. The limp got worse. He refused to walk on it. I picked him up and looked again. His toe was starting to swell. We headed back to the trailer, by the time we got in his toe was 3 times the size of the others.
It got bigger than this!
 I panicked! Of course it was Friday, no vets would be open on Saturday. I kept thinking he had some kind of infection. When you only weigh 15 pounds an infection can spread through your little body quickly! I didn’t want to wait till Monday. I called about 5 vets in the area and had to leave messages at most of them. I finally got through to the one closest to us and they agreed to see him right away! Like most dogs, he’s not fond of vets! He was shaking like a leaf when we carried him in. Jenny seemed to know we were there for him, not her. She kept licking his face and expressing concern. The vet looked at his toe and couldn’t find anything wrong. She said because it swelled so quickly it probably wasn’t an infection but she gave us an antibiotic just in case. She also gave us pain pills and said if the swelling didn’t go down by Monday to bring him back for x-rays. The pills made him a little loopy so he just spent the next few days relaxing! By Monday morning the swelling had gone down. I was relieved. It was actually a few days later in a new park when the swelling had gone down substantially that I noticed 2 tiny little puncture wounds on the pad of his toe.
He had been bitten by a spider!

It wasn't long before Jackson felt better and wanted to go on walks again!
Even the puppies liked the beautiful view and lush green coast!

The adventure never stops!

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About Me

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Larry and I decided to retire and hit the road. We bought a new 5th Wheel and new truck to pull it. We packed up the dogs and we're heading out to check off that bucket list. We wake up every morning and "Thank Our Lucky Stars" that we get to do this.